Just Crashing In :-)
I was acutually looking for the AsmPro pages to see if there was a newer version, but surf.to/asmpro doesn't work anymore. If anyone has a new address, then please. Then I can update my link page.
About the 'Code moved during pass 2' errors: The way ASM-One works code should be at the same place in both runs. If (by using macro's or IF statements) some code is no longer available in one of the two passes, you will get this error.
I've tried to go around this in ASM-One, but to fix it I would have the rewrite the assembler part from scratch.
I also read that there was a complain that ASM-One does only support 8x8 characters. That is true, and even though I didn't know that AsmPro did support that, I worked on adding other font sizes (as long as they are fixed) about a year ago. It all seemed to work fine than. But when I lately started working on it again it was quite a mess. ASM-One should be able to work with different font sizes in RTG mode and there is a good change I'll will give it another change in the future.
And ASM-One does also support Highlighted errors, but only for immediate operands at the moment. But unlike AsmPro it will Highlight the part that is the problem instead of the part after the problem.
Well, I know, I shouldn't promote ASM-One in a AsmPro thread, but while I'm at it, ASM-One:
- is faster in RTG than AsmPro, and you can disable RTG on non RTG Amiga's. However, it doesn't use a much colors
- supports reading to and writing from the Clipboard
- supports sources bigger than 65535 lines
- supports all the MC68k upcodes and addressing modes
- supports PPC assembly/disassmbly (experimental though)
Besides, there are always bugs that needs to be fixed. And even though I have no problem assembling ASM-One within ASM-One, that unfortunaly doesn't automatically mean that your source will (specialy not if you have used another assembler).
However, if you want to give it a try:
http://www.theflamearroes.info is the place. Or at least download it and read the AmigaGuide provided with it. A lot of it is also true for AsmPro.
And for the record: AsmPro is based on the unreleased v1.28 version of ASM-One. Even if you would take the time to add the labels from the original ASM-One to AsmPro, you still would have about 50% of unknown labels, which would still make it pretty unreadable. That is why I admire the work Solo did (and other coders who updated AsmPro). I also liked it because it gave me some competition (AsmPro is the only reason I added RTG support to ASM-One). I truely hope people will continue to work on AsmPro and keep it alive...
Boushh of TFA
P.S. I'll upload a new version this weekend because ASM-One didn't work anymore on MC68000 and/or Kickstart 2.x based systems.