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Brainstate in a beck's


Focus Design







Intro 64k


April 2009


Breakpoint 2009

Amiga Intro 64k compo

ranking 5th



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User Comments (3)

comment by z5 on 15 January 2010

Rather nice intro, though i have the impression that it was made in a hurry :) Since most of the effects were already in other FD intros/demos. But yes, should definately have ranked higher than my intro :)

comment by corial on 17 January 2010

Yep, it was done in a hurry, but the startpart and the zooming boxes part were new parts. If I remember correctly, not an awful lot was ready before we went to BP, and Optima made quite a big effort the first night at the party to get this one ready.

comment by mailman on 04 July 2011

A very good 64k. I like it. Everything is nicely synced, the effects are nice. Maybe there is lack of various effects but still this one is good.

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User Votes: Average: 3 points (7 votes)

vote by dodge: 3/5

vote by malmix: 3/5

vote by Kaminari: 3/5

vote by z5: 3/5

vote by wayne: 3/5

vote by mailman: 3/5

vote by jack-3d: 3/5

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A.D.A. Amiga Demoscene Archive, Version 3.0