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Focus Design & In-Sect














March 2013


Revision 2013

Amiga Demo compo

ranking 4th



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Other releases (29)

1992 (4.67)

Announcetro 2 (3.75)

Aulun Baulund (4.2)

Be Kool Fool (4.4)

Boost (3)

Brainstate in a beck's (3)

Charger (3.25)

Energy bar (3)

Heine G-force (3.5)

Kick The Sofa (5)

Knitfellas (3.6)

mo'saik (4.17)

Monotit, lines & arrows (4.25)

One Hot Minute (3)

Piranha (n/a)

Revision 2012 Invitation (3.8)

Spitz (3.56)

Storm Rider (3.33)

Strukton (4)

Temperamental (2.82)

Teobstrrofarfeia (4.36)

The electric skater (4)

The Freshmaker (3)

Hyper (3.2)

Folded_open (4)

How to skin a dwarf (3.67)

Rotek (3)

Leisner (2.75)

Hot Dots (4.47)


User Comments (5)

comment by z5 on 07 April 2013

Should be Focus Design & In-Sect & Danish underpants brigade but the database only supports two groups at the moment.

comment by z5 on 08 April 2013

Probably could have done with a bit more development time (visuals and effects) but this demo is solid and enjoyable to watch. Really enjoyed the bouncing rubber thingie. That deformation when hitting the floor is cool. Also enjoyed the cubes part, the greetings and the magnifying zoom effect. The cloud effect in the credits was nice too and the synch was great overall. The scrolling background picture looked kind of neat too.

Still excited to see that killer demo one day! The potential is definately there. Although to be honest, i do like the fact that you manage to release a few productions within the year by mostly partycoding. Since all of them have been really enjoyable to watch.

Looking forward to more!

comment by dodge on 18 April 2013

It's such a pitty that this one is to a large extend a partyhack. More refined 2D graphics to round up and diversify the FX sceens would've made this truely stand out.
There's only one cure for this: earlier production start ;)

comment by Lonewolf10 on 26 July 2013

I liked the graphics (especially the tunnel bit halfway through) and thought the music was great.

comment by jack-3d on 04 October 2013

I would highlight music and the cool tunnel. I say demo without tunnel scene is not a proper demo ;o)

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User Votes: Average: 3.5 points (10 votes)

vote by Jok: 4/5

vote by britelite: 3/5

vote by z5: 3/5

vote by wayne: 3/5

vote by Sir_Lucas: 5/5

vote by Ralph Wiggum: 3/5

vote by dodge: 3/5

vote by Lonewolf10: 4/5

vote by Reloaded: 3/5

vote by jack-3d: 4/5

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A.D.A. Amiga Demoscene Archive, Version 3.0