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Focus Design





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February 2013


Datastorm 2013

Amiga Demo compo

ranking 1st



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1992 (4.67)

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Monotit, lines & arrows (4.25)

One Hot Minute (3)

Piranha (n/a)

Revision 2012 Invitation (3.8)

Spitz (3.56)

Storm Rider (3.33)

Strukton (4)

Temperamental (2.82)

Teobstrrofarfeia (4.36)

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The Freshmaker (3)

Hyper (3.2)

Folded_open (4)

How to skin a dwarf (3.67)

Rotek (3)

Leisner (2.75)

Hot Dots (4.47)

Fracture (3.5)


User Comments (7)

comment by slayer on 14 February 2013

I like it! Reminds me the Ephidrena demos style a bit. Very nice music, cool synchro (gnu rocket rulez!) and well-chosen colors. I really don't remember when I last time saw such elegant "classic Amiga demo style" logos! Good job, guys. Maybe not so many 'pure coding effects', but overall industrial / machine atmosphere rewards it :)

comment by dodge on 14 February 2013

That's what I thought when the scene on screenshots 5-7 appeared.
"My, that looks quite J'ish, doesn't it" :)

comment by dalton on 14 February 2013

Very nice production! Can't get enough of those flat shaded polys. Nice touch with the twister shadow. SNES-style pixel zoom was very enyable too.

comment by z5 on 15 February 2013

I really enjoy your style of coding, Booster. Your demos have nice flow, synch and effects. My favourite parts were the Focus Design/At datastorm 2013 part, the gasmask scene (i love those flat shaded polys and the colors/music is particularely great here) and the twister (another sexy looking effect).

The tune is great and the pixelled graphics are great. Nice logos and that cog wheel background looked nice.

Some scenes needed a bit more attention and graphics (e.g. the blue particle scene and the mo'saik part) and the visual design was not consistent: pixelled old schoolish graphics mixed with industrial themed photo stuff. In that sense, i felt that your Revision 2012 demo was a bit more coherent.

Still, awesome effort once again and i'm genuinely excited to see more from you guys. If you put a bit more time into your demo (both demos have been rather fast made judging by the readme), then a killer demo is coming without a doubt. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will already arrive at Revision.

comment by Sir_Lucas on 17 February 2013

Quickly done but music saves the day! :)

comment by extralife on 17 February 2013

hello amigascene and happy new years (better late then never :)) what a nice demo to enter the year 2k13, very nice and quick flow, great looking effects i think, but the twister takes the cake for me, allways liked those for some reason :), but honestly the very best part of the demo is the high quality in the soundtrack, i'm quite stunned that the amiga can sound so "clean" thx for a nice demo guys

comment by jack-3d on 04 October 2013

Gas-masks what a cliché... Anyway very nice music/synch, cool 3D morphing and twisters rules!

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User Votes: Average: 4.17 points (12 votes)

vote by slayer: 4/5

vote by britelite: 3/5

vote by dodge: 4/5

vote by Jok: 4/5

vote by z5: 4/5

vote by Sir_Lucas: 5/5

vote by extralife: 5/5

vote by tjahzi: 5/5

vote by wayne: 4/5

vote by Kaminari: 4/5

vote by jack-3d: 4/5

vote by Overflow: 4/5

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A.D.A. Amiga Demoscene Archive, Version 3.0