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Demos Amiga Demoscene Archive Forum / Coding / Triangle fill algorithm, help!!


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#1 - Posted: 14 Feb 2007 14:15 - Edited
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Hi, i'm trying to implement a triangle fill algorithm, but it seem that i have some problems calculating deltas for the interpolation. I tried the algorithm on a pc with Purebasic and works perfectly. After a lot of tests, i found the problem on delta values, because with hardcode values for a triangle the algorithm works. I think that the problem is found on the sign of deltas, i think that i lose sign bit. But with some tests i found that with positive deltas some triangles fails also.

This is the code in PureBasic, is basic code, i think that is enough clear to understand it:

Procedure filltriangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,color)

Define.w x, y, x0,y0, dx1, dx2, dx3, scanleftx, scanrightx, leftadd, rightadd, beginx, endx
Define.b bucle

; Sort algorithm using swap method, two iterations is enough to sort an array with 3 items
For bucle = 0 To 1
If y1>y2 : x0=x2 : x2=x1 : x1=x0 : y0=y2 : y2=y1 : y1=y0 : EndIf
If y2>y3 : x0=x3 : x3=x2: x2=x0 : y0=y3 : y3=y2 : y2=y0 : EndIf
Next bucle

If y2 <> y1
If y3 <> y1
If y3<> y2

scanleftx = x1 << #FP
scanrightx = x1 << #FP

If dx1 < dx2

For y = y1 To y2 - 1
beginx = scanleftx >> #FP
endx = scanrightx >> #FP
LineXY(beginx, y, endx, y, color)
scanleftx + leftadd
scanrightx + rightadd
Next y

If dx2 > dx3
leftadd = dx2
rightadd = dx3
leftadd = dx3
rightadd = dx2

For y = y2 To y3
beginx = scanleftx >> #FP
endx = scanrightx >> #FP
LineXY(beginx, y, endx, y, color)
scanleftx + leftadd
scanrightx + rightadd
Next y


And this is the asm code (Change and.l #$7fff,d2 for and.l #$ffff,d2, i made a test, but the original value should be $ffff):

;a0 - chunky buffer
;a1 - triangle points


movem.l d0-d5/a0-a2,-(sp)
lea deltaX,a2
moveq.w #1,d3
.sort ; Sort triangle points before draw it
move.w 2(a1),d0
move.w 6(a1),d1
cmp.w d0,d1
bpl.b .noSwap1
move.l 0(a1),d0
move.l 4(a1),d1
move.l d0,4(a1)
move.l d1,0(a1)
move.w 6(a1),d0
move.w 10(a1),d1
cmp.w d0,d1
bpl.b .noSwap2
move.l 4(a1),d0
move.l 8(a1),d1
move.l d0,8(a1)
move.l d1,4(a1)
dbf d3,.sort

move.w #0,0(a2) ; Clear dx1

move.w 2(a1),d0 ; Compare y1 with y2, if equal jump to avoid a 0 div
move.w 6(a1),d1
cmp.w d0,d1
beq.b .div0_avoid1

move.w 4(a1),d2
move.w 0(a1),d3

sub.w d3,d2 ; (x2 - x1) << 6
lsl.w #FP,d2

move.w d1,d3 ; (y2 - y1)
sub.w d0,d3
divs.w d3,d2 ; ((x2 - x1) << 6) / (y2 - y1)
and.l #$7fff,d2

move.w d2,0(a2) ; Store new dx1

move.w #0,2(a2) ; Clear dx2

move.w 2(a1),d0 ; Compare y1 with y3, if equal jump to avoid a 0 div
move.w 10(a1),d1
cmp.w d0,d1
beq.b .div0_avoid2

move.w 8(a1),d2
move.w 0(a1),d3

sub.w d3,d2 ; (x3 - x1) << 6
lsl.w #FP,d2

move.w d1,d3 ; (y3 - y1)
sub.w d0,d3
divs.w d3,d2 ; ((x3 - x1) << 6) / (y3 - y1)
and.l #$7fff,d2

move.w d2,2(a2) ; Store new dx2

move.w #0,4(a2) ; Clear dx3

move.w 6(a1),d0 ; Compare y2 with y3, if equal jump to avoid a 0 div
move.w 10(a1),d1
cmp.w d0,d1
beq.b .div0_avoid3

move.w 8(a1),d2
move.w 4(a1),d3

sub.w d3,d2 ; (x3 - x2) << 6
lsl.w #FP,d2

move.w d1,d3 ; (y3 - y2)
sub.w d0,d3
divs.w d3,d2 ; ((x3 - x2) << 6) / (y3 - y2)

and.l #$7fff,d2

move.w d2,4(a2) ; Store new dx3

move.w 0(a1),d0 ; scanleft = x1 << 6
lsl.w #FP,d0
move.w d0,d1 ; scanright = x1 << 6

move.w 0(a2),d2 ; leftadd = dx1
move.w 2(a2),d3 ; rightadd = dx2
cmp.w d2,d3 ; if dx1 < dx2 then jump .dx1dx2
bpl.b .dx1dx2
move.w d3,d2 ; leftadd = dx2
move.w 0(a2),d3 ; rightadd = dx1
move.w 2(a1),d4
muls.w #160,d4
add.l d4,a0
move.l a0,a2 ; a2 = Start line y pointer

move.w 6(a1),d4
move.w 2(a1),d5
sub.w d5,d4
clr.l d5
move.w d0,d5
lsr.w #FP,d5
add.l d5,a2

clr.l d5
move.w d1,d5
sub.w d0,d5
lsr.w #FP,d5
move.b #29,(a2)+
dbf d5,.linetop

add.w #72,d0 ; scanleft + 72 (hardcode)
; add.w d2,d0 ; scanleft + leftadd
add.w #160,d1 ; scanright + 160 (hardcode)
; add.w d3,d1 ; scanright + rightadd
add.l #160,a0
move.l a0,a2
dbf d4,.top

lea deltaX,a2

move.w 2(a2),d2 ; leftadd = dx2
move.w 4(a2),d3 ; rightadd = dx3
cmp.w d2,d3 ; if dx2 < dx3 then jump .dx2dx3
bpl.b .dx2dx3
move.w d3,d2 ; leftadd = dx3
move.w 2(a2),d3 ; rightadd = dx2
move.l a0,a2 ; a2 = Start line y pointer

move.w 10(a1),d4
move.w 6(a1),d5
sub.w d5,d4
move.w d0,d5
lsr.w #FP,d5
add.l d5,a2

move.w d1,d5
sub.w d0,d5
lsr.w #FP,d5
move.b #29,(a2)+
dbf d5,.linebottom

add.w #72,d0 ; scanleft + 72 (hardcode)
; add.w d2,d0 ; scanleft + leftadd
add.w #-53,d1 ; scanright + 53 (hardcode)
; add.w d3,d1 ; scanright + rightadd
add.l #160,a0
move.l a0,a2
dbf d4,.bottom


movem.l (sp)+,d0-d5/a0-a2

CNOP 0,4

deltaX: ds.w 3

And here is a pack with startup, c2p, rotozoom, and triangle fill to test directly. I hope that someone can help me.
http://www.balrogsoftware.com/download/c2p_triangl e.zip
#2 - Posted: 14 Feb 2007 20:48 - Edited
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Balrog, a simple and nice reference for triangle delta formulas is at kalms' page... texture deltas formulas
#3 - Posted: 15 Feb 2007 00:26
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DIVS.W d3,d2 will divide d2.l by d3.w and store the result in low/high part of d2 (quotient in low, remainder in high).

Since DIVS expects both operands to be signed, you need to sign-extend the delta value you have in d2.w to fill the entire register. You accomplish that by doing an EXT.L d2 just before the divisison.
#4 - Posted: 15 Feb 2007 00:32 - Edited
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Thanks a lot Kalms! it works!


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