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For all who followed to our diskmag: we on finish line already with second issue. Many thinks was added (like for example window-full screen modes for warp3d version, fully native versions for aos3,aos4,morphos and aros, drag&scroll feature for scroll bar, support of mouse wheel, coloring of text and others). We also will released with second issue fixed version of first one (with all the new features), as well as usual AGA-RTG and HTML-online version. And rigth now we just need a little help to fill up 'coding' corner a little bit more.
So, we need 2 more coding related articles (scene corner are filled up pretty well) It's not so 100% necessary, but for some reassons will be nice if someone from you can help with that. The topics can be any, like:
1."making of "demo/intro_name" "
2."coding on amiga today (enviroments, machine, languages, scripts, i.e. just how you works today".
3."tips and tricks when you works with "packet/language/scripts/os"
4. anythink about you can think related to amiga coding.
5. some algos related to amiga which you do (or which you just understand, reversing, and which you like"
So, anyone who have some time , we just can discuss on irc/icq/email how and what can be done. In general, it's work on one evening. For example , want to ask z5 personally: maybe you will be in interest to write article "making of perfect circle" ? It's not like you need found any time, sit over the computer and start to writing somethink, we just can talk with you on irc about it, and in general i will making an article which will be based on these talks. The same for any others who code somethink. Maybe some of you have some free hours ? Just 2-3 hours on irc/icq will be enough.
If anyone in interest to help, but do not know what he can do and how and about what he can write (or just talk and help with making article on it), then just write at kas1e@yandex.ru, or better put your email here and we will contact with you.
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@kasie: honestly, i don't think i'm the one to write coding articles :)
But i do hope you find someone to do some articles. Fingers crossed.
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z5, yeah, already talks with StingRay a lot, looks like we will have somethink from .. But everyone still are welcome :)
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Hi All ! Glad to say that we will release second issue of diskmag on the Pianeta Amiga 2009 (26th of September). It will be again in 3 editions: 1. warp3d (os3,os4,morphos and now - aros) 2. aga-rtg (68k) 3. html Also we will release fixed version of first issue at that time which will be provide (it's all about warp3d edition): -window-mode support -wheel mouse support -scrolling by pressing on scroll bar by mouse -bug fixes of rendering engine -aros version too -etc For everyone in interest, there is some screenshoots of second issue (warp3d edition):  Also there is cover image (with more screenshoots on it), which we will printed out for all the visitors on the PA09 (image done by Daxx) ps. maybe some of you will be in interest to see first issue in action on AROS (window-mode), so there is youtube link
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looks sweet!
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Great looking forward reading the Amiga version.
Just an idea about getting more articles, I think asking openly for articles will always be hard, but as you seem willing to put together a text from an interview why don't you ask people directly? I think a lot of people, like z5, would be reluctant to write about his productions but with a direct proposal they might be more willing. Anyhow, great stuff getting a discmag together in these days.
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Thanks all for good feedback even about screenshots :) @bonkers Yeah, in general i always try to connect with ppls directly. There (on ADA) i just put these reqs about help only as just one more way for found ppls :) At moment with the second issue we have no problems with articles, and even more - we have somethink for the 3st issue already. The most important think that diskmag liked for ppls, and they always in interst to help even by testing, graphics, music, coding boredom and others. And becouse diskmag works on all amiga like platfroms now, many active ppls in interst about that (well, of course not all, becouse some just not like that it works not only on 68k :) ).. Btw, if someone in interest, for these 2 years when we put in public first issue, we have that kind of statics for downloads (checked few hours ago, only uniq, without google or other bots, i.e. IPs which looks like "real ones"): from our site:
warp3d version: = 604 aga version: = 342 winuae hardfile: = 457 online version: = 1700 video gallery: = 1021
from aminet:
warp3d version : 284 aga_rtg version: 253
from os4_depot: warp3d version: 96
All of this mean that ppls in interst about and not only about aga version (anyone can compare with other ones). Will be intersting to see activity for the issue#2..
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The Vague now runs on a new www page and we have released fixed version of our first issue. __Many__ new improvements and additions (like AROS version, window mode, wheel support, drag&scroll, etc) have been done. Download it now, and enjoy. Second issue, will be released at 01.12.2009 Check out our main page for all the stuff : vague.lorraine-design.com
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z5_: i don't think i'm the one to write coding articles :) But i do hope you find someone to do some articles. Fingers crossed. kasie: z5, yeah, already talks with StingRay a lot, looks like we will have somethink from \o/ I hope these StingRay aritcles come through! Time to check out the mag :-)
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@pmc In the second issue no articles from Stingray.. Maybe in the 3st one.
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I read the first issue this morning - already looking forward to the second one. :-) kasie: In the second issue no articles from Stingray.. Maybe in the 3st one. More reason to look forward to the third one now too ! ;-)
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@pmc Which version of mag you use btw ? (i mean warp3d/ aga-rtg or html one ?). And if it was warp3d, on which hardware it was ?
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Unfortunately I couldn't get the Amiga versions to work so I had to read the HTML version.
I tried the AGA-RTG version with the WinUAE config and the magazine hardfile supplied in the download but when I started up WinUAE I got the OS giving me an error message and then nothing loaded... :-(
I don't have the hardware required to run the mag on my real Amigas.
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@Pmc AGA-RTG version not requered any specific hardware .. It must works on any 030 cpu + 8mb of fast memory only.
Related to hardfile - there is warp3d version, which work on winuae over QuarkTex or can also works over last version of Wazp3d (software warp3d wrapper). Hardfile have QuarkTex + mag installed, so in generall if your win32 support OGL in HW mode with no problems, it must works. But if not, you also can try to use Wazp3d (i.e. download warp3d version, install Wazp3d, and try).
Becouse html version suck very much. No effects, no music, ugly borders of web-browser. Even AGA-RTG version are better if compare with Html one.. But warp3d one - the best (with pixel scrolling, with animation and with 24bit true-color graphics).
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kasie: AGA-RTG version not requered any specific hardware .. It must works on any 030 cpu + 8mb of fast memory only. Yes, my mistake - when I said this: pmc: I tried the AGA-RTG version with the WinUAE config and the magazine hardfile supplied in the download but when I started up WinUAE I got the OS giving me an error message and then nothing loaded... :-( I meant this: pmc: I tried the Warp3D WinUAE version with the WinUAE config and the magazine hardfile supplied in the download but when I started up WinUAE I got the OS giving me an error message and then nothing loaded... :-( Anyway - I dowloaded the AGA version and it worked OK! \o/ Thanks kasie :-) No more sucky HTML version for me! :-P
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The Vague Amiga Diskmag Issue 2 IS OUT ! Diskmag about demoscene and coding on/for Amiga and Amiga-like computers. "The Vague" is the first multiplatform Warp3D-based Amiga diskmag ever! Currently we release only Warp3D version ( AOS3, AOS4, MORPHOS and AROS) and in next weeks we will release online-html and aga-rtg versions. Articles which we provide with the second issue: SCENE: - Perspective of AROS demomaking - Diskmags on the stage - Amiscene 2008. Bring out the Gimp ! - Amiscene 2009. Keeping it FRESH ! - Inside of the AOS4/MOS scene - Demo or die ! - Scene story - Amiscene on DVD - A decade before - The cube in the graphics CODING: - Debugging on the Amiga - One more time about dithering - Coding with Warp3D. Part 2 - Mixing MiniGL and Warp3D - Crunch Attack - Amiga Demosystems - 68k Linux Coding - Is VBCC a solution ? - Mixing assembler and c. Part 2 - Perfect animation + 10 modules from different authors done expecually for the Vague 2 ! + tons of new graphics ! + polished engine with coloring, drag&scroll, pixel scrolling and alt. + full-screen and window mode + ascii art done by aBHO + and much more ! Have fun ! our official site: http://vague.lorraine-design.com direct link on issue2: http://vague.lorraine-design.com/the_vague_2_warp3 d.lha
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Ace, good work, looking forward to read it once the normal amiga version is out.
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@Bonkers In few days html-online version will be out, and then after a while (i think no more that 2 weeks, but as usual it can take a bit more time) aga-rtg version.
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That is very understandable, things like these takes time. Keen to read the article about debugging on Amiga.
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We added screenshots, videos and online-html version (for all who can't run any Amiga or Amiga like OS at moment). There is: online versionyoutube video (on aos4.1/peg2) screensRTG-AGA vesion will coming soon (i hope for XMAS)