Ok, watched the intro on youtube so i'm going to give my honest feedback which i hope you will see as constructive.
I am happy to receive honest opinions - good or bad - as long as they are worded in a polite and constructive manor :)
First of all, i think you should try and get original tunes for a new intro. Maybe i'm alone on this, but it's kind of offputting to see a new intro with such a well-known tune in it. An original new tune helps to set it apart from the rest and create an own identity. As an example, the nice tune in Kaiser's second intro helped a lot in making it enjoyable.
I wasn't aware that it was a well known tune when I made it. I have loads of Amiga CD's packed with music in various formats, and picked 2 of them that I really liked. After all, the vast majority of those tunes are long since forgotten by many and would have been missed my many people. However, I'll try to get someone to compose fresh tunes for my future projects, aswell as including old tunes.
Secondly, the graphics and color need to improve a bit. Personally, i'm not a fan of scanned graphics (unless integrated into a picture or backdrop or something).
Not sure if you are talking about the copper-based effects here or not... No images have been scanned in. It's all been created fresh by myself and, in the case of the intro logo, Greyfox. I forget his old demoscene name. I'll have to get that correct for my next assembler project.
A bit more different (meaning not "true" blue, red, green, white, yellow, purple) colors could help a lot in improving the look of it. I understand it has that typical retro look (lot's of black, copper bars,...) so it might have been on purpose. I like a bit of retro with a modern twist though.
A few people have said it does have a retro-style look. To be honest, until recently (the last 6 months or so) I have mainly seen old-style demos from the 80's and early 90's.
Plus, red, green and blue is easier to mask out for a newbie than it is to mask out more complicated colours.
Thirdly, when watching the intro, i felt you should have condensed everything into a much shorter time and added a bit more flow. The running time is nearly 8 minutes, which is a lot. Ofcourse, it has some scrollers and the credits take a lot of running time. But even then. Each scene lasted a bit too long without much new happening.
I agree that the demo was quite long - the deconstruction of wireframe bit originally took 3 times longer to run and I speeded it up by doing more lines at a time . I will have to work on a better flow for my next demo, and leave out the scrollers until the end credits.
I have the feeling that it would be useful to make a one (or two) screen intro first and try to intergrate some different effects into that one (or two) screens and make it look good design/color wise + original tune. After that, you could go for more and longer demos.
Alot of my time with it was spent learning how to play with the hardware. I think if you go back to the demo's that alot of groups/people make you do tend to see that early demo's are flawed in one way or another.
I now have a benchmark which I hope to improve apon in my next demo (which probably won't be out until next year). I will take some time out to play with the hardware some more and learn how to improve my coding.