I have managed to get a Natami developer board.(FPGA amiga compatible)
The board is equipped with a full rev6 Mc68060 wich is clocked at around 100mhz stable.
Here are som pics:
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396 541_315622978490028_100001269864388_957192_6843526 1_n.jpghttp://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/425 246_315601381825521_100001269864388_957079_2045499 285_n.jpgWe need a small dashboard that look cool with optimized content. Similar to The Evolution-x dashboard for xbox.
The resolution should probobly be 640x256/640x512 (8bit). This will make it Amigacompatible. This is the first screen every natami will be displaying so no proecalculation or make it fast.
Background graphics.(demo effect?/3d?/lines/blurred?)
Menu on top. (Whdloader boot games, boot AROS, boot Workbench, settings )
The menu should be controllable by Keyboard, joystick or mouse.
Anybody up for the challenge?
Send me an email:
amigaguru (...) gmail