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Demos Amiga Demoscene Archive Forum / General / demomachine ?


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#1 - Posted: 12 Mar 2009 09:42 - Edited
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Maybe some one can point me, on some packet (does not matter for which platform, win32 are ok too of course), which can allow making scenes and play it as video or does not matter how ?

The main idea, to make somethink which i want later do by code, to see, how it looks like. I.e. design it, control framerates, put some music, sync it, etc. I.e. make a demo "by mouse" to see how it looks like.

I not talk about programming languages like basics, etc. A more stoopid and easy to use stuff will be cool. Like i just run programm, then drag and drop jpeg, then make some transformation with it and, put over it music, sync it, control speed, and works with it only as designer , for making the same after by C/ASM code.

So, somethink , which can help me avoid programmer boredom at first stage, and detect already - want i make it by code, or not. Good looking it, or not. And so on..

I am not talk of course about low-res and amiga-only demosystems, which have inside some 'easy effectss' or just have sturtup codes, i am talk about somethink hi-level for designers only. I.e., like i know nothink about coding and want to design some video (kind of)
#2 - Posted: 12 Mar 2009 10:31
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Seems like you look for a video post-production workflow. Adobe After Effects, together with Photoshop and Indesign could be helpful. And there are, of course, other programs that do similar things, such as Apple Shake, or Autodesk Combustion. If video-editiing with a few special effects is enough, check Adobe Premiere, Avid Xpress or Apple Final Cut.

On a different level, you might want to check Moppi's Demopaja or Farbrausch's Werkkzeug.

Or Flash.
#3 - Posted: 12 Mar 2009 11:21
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@noname, thank for answer.

I tryed boch farb's and moppi's stuff, and looks like Demopaja it's what i need it for. Not so heavy by effects, but easy 2d effects and some transformation stuff can be done. For first will be good. (Werkkzeug looks a bit too much 3d related, and a bit less logical than moppi's one).


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