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Demos Amiga Demoscene Archive Forum / Coding / even memory allocation


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#1 - Posted: 14 Sep 2006 22:07
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Anyone knows a good way to allocate memory in an address aligned way?

To be more exact I want my bitplanes to be aligned to 64k. I suppose one way to do it would be to allocate 64k more than needed and then use the next memory page looking from start address. But that's a bit cheap and when talking chip these extra few k's actually matter.
#2 - Posted: 14 Sep 2006 22:53
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exec provides a call where you ask for a block of memory at an exact adress with an exact size. if it's free it gives to you, else it tells you the alloc failed... maybe i recall it was called "allocabs"? So for getting aligned to 64k, just iterate over the mmory range you want and ask for addresses with 64k alignement.... you will then need to also get a look at the memory maps from exec to determine where is chipmem and fastmem available (please don't hardcode that ;)
#3 - Posted: 19 Sep 2006 18:41
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I think the function AllocBitMap() gives you 64-bit align chipmen. But make sure using Autodocs or search the net.
#4 - Posted: 24 Sep 2006 15:06
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seems allocbitmap() is for system screens or something. guess i'll look into the allocabs() solution. thanks!


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