I tried that approach but it didnt really work for me ... I will include a code snippet so you can check for any wrongdoings ...
move.w #0, d0 ; High bits
move.w SPR_Hstart, d1 ; X
move.w SPR_Vstart, d2 ; Y
subi.w #1, d2 ; Vertical scroll up
cmpi.w #255-16*2, d2 ; SPR_h PAL check
bls no_9th_bit ; <= 255-Sprite height
move.b #%00000010, d0 ; Set EV8 Vstop bit
cmpi.w #255, d2 ; PAL start
bls no_9th_bit ; <= 255
move.b #%00000110, d0 ; Set SV8&EV8 Vstart,Vstop bits
cmpi.w #313, d2 ; PAL stop
bls no_9th_bit ; <= 313 highest visible line+1
move.w #312, d2 ; Vstart reset position
move.w d2, SPR_Vstart
move.w d2, d3
addi.w SPR_Vstop, d3 ; Calculate Vstop
move.b d2, (a1) ; Set VPOS
move.b d1, 1(a1) ; Set HPOS
move.b d3, 2(a1) ; Set VSTOP
move.b d0, 3(a1) ; Set Control bits.
SPR_Hstart: dc.w 135
SPR_Vstart: dc.w 312 ; 28-312
SPR_Vstop: dc.w 32
It works fine if sprite has 16 height but i need it for a text scroller needless to say it will be somewhat big sprites ..