comment by corial on 07 April 2018
Super demo!
comment by rloaderro on 27 April 2018
Second Corial.. actually I'm surprised this didn't win the compo as it is textbook implementation of the AGA 060 demoscene values:
The classics:
- ham8 chunky
- particles
- env
- techno overlays and environment
And some post 2000 stuff:
- powerful streaming soundtrack (new)
- glow (new)
- interlace trick (new)
- 16:9 (new)
For me somehow the most powerful parts were
- intro object (sets great expectations)
- logo (damn cool!)
- the "part II horizons" effect (I have been weak for this kind of effect/movements since some pc 1996 prods by Jamm or Orange?)
If I have to criticize something it is that marble texture on the labyrinth. A little hint of texture pack cd-rom (for ultimate effect, use wood texture in final). Would like to see some techno patterns on it instead!
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