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The electric skater


Focus Design











Intro 64k


March 2013


Revision 2013

Amiga Intro 64k compo

ranking 2nd



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User Comments (4)

comment by z5 on 03 April 2013

My favourite from the amiga intro compo and one i've been rewatching quite a lot. Nice change of pace into something more calm and atmospheric this time and the tune is really nice. Visuals are a tad inconsistent but the effects and great synch more than make up for that. Really enjoyed the skater dot anim, the opening scene (wireframe/line drawing!), the plasma and glowing particles. Also, great logos once again by Malmix.

One thing though: it's such a shame that you didn't let the 2 logos come together in the opening part. When watching, i seriously thought that was a bug. That would have been so nice since the logos were great and the wipe was too. I pressed F12 in Winuae like a madmen to capture both logos later on in the intro but even then they were never really shown at "full color". I'm stilll wondering if that was intentional to not completely form the logos since i doesn't make sense to me? :)

I really hope that you won't stop making aga intros once in a while when inspiration and time allows. I think they are great and i would certainly miss them.

comment by corial on 03 April 2013

Hi Z5 - Malmix really tried his best to make the particled logos come together, but I refused :-D. I thought it made the screens too static, so the blame is on me - not Malmix.

I'm glad you liked the intro. I have been so close to stop the project so many times, due to lack of inspiration. But again, Hoffman and Malmix delived such wonderful material that I simply had to pull myself together. At the moment I don't feel like making another 64k, but that might change when I've had a break / time to play around with A500 stuff.

Oh, and could you please add Hoffman as one of the coders, please? He coded the lengthy samples you can hear, and that credit is well deserved.

comment by z5 on 03 April 2013

Will do, tomorrow when i add a few more revision prods.

I'm afraid to say but Malmix was right :) Would have been so nice to see them coming together for a few moments.

Happy you finished the intro though. You have been doing a crazy amount of intros in the last years so a break will most probably do you good for fresh inspiration and new effects on the aga intro front. But i wasn't getting tired of watching them.

comment by Sir_Lucas on 10 April 2013

Great! Amiga sidechain! H0ffman roxxx! :)

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User Votes: Average: 4 points (8 votes)

vote by z5: 4/5

vote by tjahzi: 5/5

vote by britelite: 4/5

vote by Sir_Lucas: 5/5

vote by Ralph Wiggum: 4/5

vote by Kaminari: 4/5

vote by jack-3d: 5/5

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A.D.A. Amiga Demoscene Archive, Version 3.0