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Hardknee Lotus


RNO & Unique














August 2008


Assembly 2008

Oldskool compo

ranking 3rd



Minimum Required:

1Mb Chip Mem
2Mb Fast Mem

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Other releases (32)

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User Comments (10)

comment by z5 on 04 August 2008

Some small thingies: Wlf should be additional 3D in the credits and Marq is mentioned in the demo but not in the readme file so i don't know where to place him. And as mentioned above, it's a 4 group cooperation (but the db only supports 2 groups).

comment by z5 on 04 August 2008

Lots of positive things to say about this demo. I can't really judge on how impressive it is codewise but it does seem impressive for an A500 demo. Loved the graphics with a special mention for the greetings background (great stuff) and the credits backdrops. Very good work on the graphics indeed. The tune is great aswell. It's different and it manages to build up or slow down at the right time.

Minor negative points: the demo is: fade -> purely graphics -> fade -> purely effects -> fade... I would have loved to see a bit more work in the transitions and i would have loved to see maybe some overlay graphics/animations on the effect scenes. And a proper ending.

Superb demo though. Great work. Keep it going. The killer demo is just around the corner now.

comment by britelite on 05 August 2008

I uploaded a new archive which now also includes an accelerator/uae-fixed version of the demo. http://www.dekadence64.org/hardknee_fix.lha

comment by dairos on 05 August 2008

btw. raimo = raymon/unique

comment by extralife on 05 August 2008

thx for the quick accelerator fix :)
A nice demo indeed,(though it's more like an a2000 demo i think :)) but I like it, it's got lots of different scenes and a nice pace i think, didn't like the mountain scene as much as i thought i would, but the bumbmapped rock thingie looks great :) good job

comment by sp on 07 August 2008

Ok demo.
Abit static in some parts and the effects can be done faster...:D
1 meg chip and 2 meg fast was a strange combination. Amiga500 demos should run with 512+512

comment by britelite on 07 August 2008

but it's not an a500-demo, it's and ECS/000 demo =)

comment by Frog on 07 August 2008

i've no see it on real hardware but it's a really nice ECS demo !
i like this kind of newschool effect on OCS/ECS.
It reminds me 18 years / CREAM another great code on OCS.

comment by corial on 15 August 2008

Nice stuff. I really think that the graphics is quite good. The credits-clouds look very fine actually.

comment by dirtie on 04 September 2008

the fix works on 68060 here. looks good. and I thought all the time I have to test this on 68000/ECS but my A600 has not enough ram :) good production!

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User Votes: Average: 3.86 points (14 votes)

vote by z5: 4/5

vote by dairos: 4/5

vote by extralife: 4/5

vote by sp: 4/5

vote by Frog: 4/5

vote by at0m: 3/5

vote by corial: 4/5

vote by Kaminari: 4/5

vote by baderman: 4/5

vote by Murakami: 4/5

vote by dirtie: 3/5

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A.D.A. Amiga Demoscene Archive, Version 3.0