comment by z5 on 27 October 2006
Never really understood the hype surrounding this demo. Maybe it's because i didn't see it when it was released, maybe it's because i can't appreciate the technical aspects of it (so please tell me about it). However, i never liked the soundtrack that much and i don't see anything special on the graphics / effects to blow me away.
On a sidenote, does anybody know a bit more on the Eastern Conference party? According to scenery, it was held in Belgium? And has this Eastern Conference any relation with the Eastern Conference held in 1994 or 1995 where for example Lech was released?
comment by prm on 09 November 2006
a bit overrated but still very good. and the hidden part music by 4-Mat is very nice (and should be added to the credits above).
comment by Boogeyman on 19 March 2008
I've always loved Static's music, and even though the pattern data for this mod can be compressed to something like 20 bytes, it's still the main reason why I like this prod.
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