comment by baderman on 07 February 2005
Despite, of what others say, i love it. And BIG respect to ZIG, so what, he didn't knew ahi exist, he did things, that others could only dream of. One of the best 3d en for m68k!
comment by mailman on 28 November 2005
Whoa! How come I didn't know earlier that such a beauty exist for m68k? Water effect is pretty cool. Great!
comment by z5 on 31 December 2010
A good demo but i'm not seeing why this is getting so many high votes. I must be missing something or maybe it's because i didn't see it at that time? Or maybe because i'm not really into 3D flyby demos.
It's cool though and the atmosphere is great. Also, the music is great. And the water scene looked great.
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