A.D.A. Amiga Demoscene Archive

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Intro 64k


January 2003


Alternative Party 2003

Combined Demo compo

ranking 6th



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Other releases (11)

Hardknee Lotus (3.86)

Cathode (3.69)

Coco (4)

Interparallactic (4.2)

Multicolor (4)

Origins (5)

Pt 2 Horizons (4.86)

Shoot (2.86)

Singularities (4.17)

Subside (4.5)

Vauxhall (2.84)


User Comments (11)

comment by z5 on 28 January 2003

First Amiga intro, and already on A.D.A. :) Seriously, i really liked it. Kept rewatching it which is a very good sign. Cool music, nice effects and some synchro. Little points of criticism: i didn't like the colors. And i would have liked still a bit more energy and little design touches. Very promising though!

comment by dairos on 23 September 2003

Thanks a lot to everyone for all the nice feedback we got from our first Amiga prod. More is coming (sooner or later)! :)

comment by z5 on 23 September 2003

Yeah, and pigs may fly. You know, i think you are just too scared because you will not be able to do better than this. So you keep telling us that more will come but the fact is that this was your limit. (hehe....don't mind me...i'm just trying to motivate this promising amiga group to do more amiga prods...i think it will work this way :)) But then again, dairos seems to be able to code on so many platforms that it takes a while before he releases on the same plaform again.

And Dairos, don't use pink next time (you used pink in your latest pc 4k too didn't you?) :)

Nah, seriously, it would be cool to see some intros with energy, speed and fast effects and synchro (like speedo did in Haujobb).

comment by rloaderror on 25 September 2003

i like the style of this one.. Maybe it shouldnt be pink all the way through though.. Here are some words of wisdom spoken by a friend of mine at a time when I enjoyed drawing pictures featuring strong pinks and purples :"Espen, you always tend to use these girlcolours dont you? Why is that?". I never used pink ever again.. :) Stay off the girlcolours.

Great music and pace here though. Feels like a cool pc intro from 96-98.

comment by z5 on 29 December 2003

After rewatching it again a couple of times, i changed my mind and think that it deserves a 4/5 :) Really cool intro.

comment by dairos on 23 April 2004

Btw. music can be found here: ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/artists/chavez/superlov.zip

comment by skan on 05 October 2004

Hey Dairos, don't you think it's time for another Amiga prod? ;)
Nice one neway, I'd really like to do something as good as this as my first prod, but I think I'll go oldschool instead... ;)
(me lamer)

comment by dodke on 16 October 2004

Can i point out that it supports gfx cards (just needs to have a 320x200x8bit mode available) and it doesn't actually require an FPU? :)

comment by kempy on 24 July 2005

I gave 3 because it's 1st Unique's demo-exe for miggy. But i liked their GBA stuff much more (do something like that, full-time demo for Ameeee!). Anyway nice HJB style.

comment by corial on 01 March 2006

Good effects, good colourscheme, good graphics, good design.

comment by skipp604 on 15 November 2008

Wow... A little gem this one is :-) Haven't seen it on the real HW yet, though (just the mpeg).

Nota bene: this music style is THE definition of scene music for me. I'm literally just in love with it :) Reminds me of some of Aphex Twin's tracks.

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User Votes: Average: 3.63 points (19 votes)

vote by z5: 4/5

vote by dairos: 3/5

vote by rloaderror: 4/5

vote by stakka: 4/5

vote by britelite: 3/5

vote by KAM_: 3/5

vote by wayne: 4/5

vote by Frequent: 4/5

vote by hooligan: 4/5

vote by Ralph Wiggum: 4/5

vote by mailman: 3/5

vote by skan: 4/5

vote by baderman: 3/5

vote by falcon_11: 4/5

vote by DJBase: 4/5

vote by kempy: 3/5

vote by corial: 4/5

vote by at0m: 3/5

vote by jack-3d: 4/5

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A.D.A. Amiga Demoscene Archive, Version 3.0