Hello again all.
Hey i'm wondering how could work an oldschool effect seen in a lot of A500/A1200 demos:
I will call it the tornado effect, I thing it was done using the blitter for copying bitmap with masks.
It can be seen in "chaosland" from fairlight:
But also at the end of "fullmoon", in the dreamdealer toothbrush serie,there's a fabulous enhaced one in "arte", the fabulous "darkroom" 40kb, etc...
It must be more or less done like this:
- adding pixels as a generator in the center of the screen.
- displacing the pixels using multiple blitter masks.
- swapping a double buffer.
So my problem is: what the fuck did they used as masks ?
It is zooming and rotating, so I guess they (more or less ?)
divided the screen like a pie, in 4 or 8 pieces, and made masks with that,
and then each pass would displace all screen pixels with the (8?) masks...
Anyway, I never tried at the time i was still doing hardware codes, but I like a lot this effect (simple, intelligent), and to my mind there's a lot to do with it again.
Can some one show an image of the masks used ? Or am i totally wrong ?