Credits and Acknowledgements |
A.D.A was created by:
z5 (Concept, Content, Screenshots)
Vanquish (Design, Graphics, Screen processing, Ideas, Support)
todi (Web development)
Rle (Web development)
Special thanks to:
Planet-d for the hosting services during the first years. Untergrund for the hosting services now.
SYN & lakomok for help with PHP, Database and scripts for the previous version.
Solo for helping me setting up mysql and php on planet-d and for the guestbook script. Thanks a lot!
Aminet, Scene.org, Amigascne.org and others for archiving the Amiga and demoscene history and for download links.
Thanks to the following people for providing screenshots and logos:
Temal, Fusko, MDW, Henri, Gargaj, MrZorro, Infinity, Azzaro, Crisot, _Steve_, Chip, Psygore, Kempy, Ralph Wiggum, Scicco, Bla, FenriX, Xeron and Toffeeman.