I hope you can help me as i'm looking for my own AGA demo called 'Get Tough' which was released by a demo group called APATHY in Norway which was coded by me sometime in 1999 and i'm desperately trying to track it down as i no longer have it anymore! PLEEEASE HELP AS THERE IS A REWARD IN RETURN!!!!
#2 - Posted:
19 Aug 2007 22:58 - Edited ReplyQuote
There is an apathy release called Get Tough on Aminet. It's from 1997 according to the readme though. Where do i collect my reward? Do i come by truck in case it involves stacks of money or gold?
Yeeeeaaahh That's that right mate!!! Please email me at lammasmike@yahoo.co.uk and i'll get you details on how to collect your reward!!! Many thankz... reply ASAP!
@michael: had a look at your demo and while the lack of a graphician shows, the effects are quite nice. Find yourself a decent graphician and get back into coding!