comment by z5 on 18 September 2017
A lot of things to like in this demo and a step up from the previous one (which was also very enjoyable). I like the graphics and colors, the scrolling backgrounds, the layers of effects and (scrolling) backgrounds and the attention to detail. Some of the effects/scenes looks very good indeed.
I do feel that the last few scenes could have done with a bit more work (from the tunnel onwards) and that some effects were almost getting lost in the background detail (e.g. the last effect with the fast spinning object). Whereas the first demo was mostly effects on black backgrounds, this is balancing out on the other side with almost too much background detail in some scenes. Also, i think some transitions in between the scenes would have helped in making it even better. And a bit more sync maybe.
I can't wait to see what comes next. I really do enjoy this style of demos a lot. Keep up the great work!
comment by malmix on 26 September 2017
Thanks z5! I agree on all your thoughts actually :) The parts until the tunnel were finished before the party. The rest were done at the party while being tired and pretty unmotivated.
comment by astuermer on 25 January 2022
got a black screen with playing music after the "NAUGHTY" title screen... any idea? 060/AGA/128MB
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