comment by z5 on 11 September 2008
Could have been very good but relies a bit too much on being a 3D object show. Generally consistent design and look, which is a good thing. Cool soundtrack and very nice graphics by Kazik (the credits logos look great). Not bad at all but i wished there were some more effects instead of the 3D flyby scenes.
comment by pintcat on 11 September 2008
After watching this I had to check if my accelerator board is still working. Runs slow as hell on my A1200/060/64MB. Overall, design and music isn't that bad.
comment by extralife on 26 December 2008
I checked this one out the otherday and, well, I wasn't impressed. I must agree with both z5 and pintcat on this one, most importantly since it is mostly a 3d flybye, I cannot overlook the sloppy framerate, even running on blizz060/50 w.64mb and tried patching with our friend oxy_p didn't make any difference. Too bad coz it looks like a fine demo actually. Maybe a 060 patch exists to speed it up, but if so, I couldn't find it anywhere, too bad :(
comment by mailman on 26 March 2011
I always loved the Anadune's productions. This one is not an exception. Great code and effects, awesome graphics and tune. Nevertheless I always had this idea that Anadune had a great coder, graphician and musician but somehow they never managed to design the production in a neat way. Their productions always lack of design that would just simply blow your head off. They had a potential but somehow they didn't know how to use it.
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