#1 - Posted:
14 Dec 2009 01:59 - Edited ReplyQuote
WinUAE 2.0.0 has been released. Some new features are improvements to the 68K OCS/ECS and 020 AGA cycle exact modes, 040 MMU support, and lots of compatibility improvements and bug fixes.
Toni Wilen is the king of emu land, this has become my favorite emulator, all the options in here can make this emu perform so damn close to the real thing (in some cases, its even bettar ;)), that it kinda hurts and it keeps my miggy's safely tugged at home as i spend more and more time at my gf's. I never was the biggest emu fan, but winuae has surely come a long way to being the complete amiga expirence in the newer age <3 thx for the heads up on 2.0 release zeroblue :)